Sunday, June 13, 2010

Week 2 at UGA

This is our second week at UGA!
Our week stared at 6am on Monday, where we worked at Bolton, one of the dinning halls on campus. Most of the day I helped Polly in the salad bar area. I learned how much work it took to get all of the salad bar items ready. Later in the afternoon I worked in the bakery, where I helped with getting the deserts ready for the next day. I really learned a lot working behind the scene in the kitchen.

Tuesday morning started by Catherine and I working at the waffle bar at Bolton. We helped make the waffles for the camp kids. I didn't realize how much kids love waffles; it was a very busy morning. After the breakfast rush was over we helped out a little in the dish room. In the afternoon we toured the UGA Central Food Storage, where we talked a little with Brooks Oliver the central manager. He gave us a tour and an inside of his job. Then we talked to Stuart Hammond who gave us a preview of what Food Pro was all about. Then we headed to Snelling to catch the lunch rush. I helped out at the pizza area, where I learned how to make pizza. I really enjoyed making the pizza and loved staying busy during the rush. Our last stop for the day was to interview Mr. Floyd the Executive Food Service Director at UGA. We discussed what we hope to get out of this internship and how to achieve it. We get to spend more time with him in about a week.

Wednesday we spend the day talking to difference people about their part in the UGA food service. We started with Pat Brussack the Dietary specialist, Katherine Ingerson the Dietitian, Beverly Sexton the Human Resources Specialist, and Scott Cohenour the IT manager. The people we interviewed were all very nice and they all shared their part in the UGA food Service. In the afternoon, we headed to the Summit, where we got to work the lunch rush. I worked the Ice Cream stand!

Thursday I shadowed Chris Carriera the Chef for the commissary. I Got to see how the retail side of the UGA service worked. The Commissary is in charge of getting all the sandwiches and items for the retail areas on campus. They also makes the food for catered events.
Friday I shadowed Rob Irwin one of the managers to see what he does as a manager. Rob showed me how to do the Quality Assurance Checklist to sure everyone in the operation is doing their job. Rob and I helped different stations when they are in need of help.

So far everything is going great at UGA!