Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Short week

This week was a short week for us.

It is days before the fourth of July so we have a shorter week. Our week started Monday when we did orientation. Orientation is where the freshman come in and learn all there is to know about UGA and how to adapt to college life. We followed the orientation team on there long 7am-7pm day. We begun the day welcoming the freshman to UGA and helping sell coffee and donuts to the parents, after that we all went over to O-House to assemble pamphlets for the parents and students. We all divided up after that half of us going to snelling and half going to summit. At each location we welcomed the parents or students and gave them the daily menu.

The main goal of the orientation team is to inform students and parents about the meal plan and to get them to sign up for it as soon as possible. At UGA the meal plan is not required, students have a choice whether they will buy the 5 day unlimited access or the 7 day unlimited access. The meal plan in my opinion is a no brain er. I had a meal plan my freshman and sophomore year and it made my life, living on campus, so much easier. I think that for anyone with out a kitchen it is the most economical way to eat, people end up thinking its much More expensive because they are paying for all the food at once.

On Tuesday we did more orientation it is a two day event for the incoming freshmen so we followed the team around again on Tuesday.

Wednesday we did more orientation and worked on our projects. Unfortunately Mr. Floyd was sick this day, we were scheduled to shadow him.

We have a long weekend ahead of us!!!! I hope to find lots to do around town and enjoy America's Birthday!

Orientation Week

This week was spent with the orientation team for foodservice. Orientation at UGA is a 2 day process. The foodservice orientation people basically focus on selling meal plans. They also sell refreshments in the morning, greet people coming to eat at the different dining halls, and talk about student employment opportunities. But the main thing is to sell the meal plan.

Day 1 of student orientation starts off with registration. I spent a lot of time directing people here or there and giving directions to Tate Center. The refreshment stand also had to be set up and manned. Then we spent some time assembling information brochures for the parents and students that get handed out. Around lunch we all went to the dining halls where the parents or students were directed to eat and played greeter. In the afternoon we handed out the brochures while the parents were inundated with information about various important things on campus. Then we moved across the street and did the same for the students. Day 1 concludes with the student tailgate dinner where we basically directed people towards the food. All in all it's a 12 hour day.

Day 2 was much shorter, only a 7 hour day because the students have most of the afternoon to explore and do thing independently. We played greeter and checked meal tickets for breakfast. The major event of day 2 is the resource fair. Foodservices sets up 2 booths in the fair and spends a few hours asking everyone they see if they have bought the meal plan yet and if they are interested in working for foodservices. It's chaotic and fun since you get to talk to a lot of people. After cleaning up from that we got to go back to the dining halls and collect meal tickets again for the lunch crowd. Compared to day 1 it was a walk in the park just because it was so much shorter.

The best part of working with the orientation team was our transportation. They have this van that doesn't have any seats in it. So whenever we have to change locations everyone piles in and tries to balance on milk crates. Definitely the highlight of the day for them.

We also got all of the recipes for the Freshmen College closing banquet into FoodPro. Everything is batched out for the actual event. So now we can focus on the flower arrangements, the menu design, and tracking down enough soup bowls for everyone. Hopefully we'll get to all of that next week.

Sunday, June 28, 2009

Office week

This week Kris was gone so we had a lot of office time. We worked out of her office a lot and in the dining room where we could find Internet. Our goal for the week was to make progress on two of our projects. We worked on the chemical project the majority of Monday and Tuesday morning. Tuesday we met with two representatives from Ecolab. We told them that we wanted to go to all Ecolab products. We plan to meet with them again after the 4th of July break.

We also worked on the Freshmen College Closing Banquet. We are making a lot of progress, however, we still have things to finish before the banquet. I am really enjoying working on this project it is interesting and I am learning a lot about planning an event.

This week was fun and I am glad that we had time to work on our projects. I can not believe our time here is basically half over. It has gone by very fast.